The Jugg Sisters Original Tour (OT) has been a Nashville staple since 1997. This raucous comedy show on wheels, hosted by the beloved Sheri Lynn and Brenda Kay Jugg, stays fully booked months in advance thanks solely to word-of-mouth – hundreds of glowing online reviews and many repeat customers.
Hop aboard the Big Pink Bus as the Jugg sisters dish out hilarious stories and inside scoops on your favorite flashy country stars. You’ll ride by the Ryman Auditorium, Honky Tonk Row, stop for photos at the Country Music Hall of Fame, and spin through legendary Music Row before returning downtown.
Lasting just under two hours, the tour travels through downtown Nashville with constant audience participation and improvised comedy bits, making for nonstop entertainment inside the bus and out. Be prepared to laugh until it hurts during this risqué, one-of-a-kind musical comedy show. Please note: The Jugg Sisters’ blue humor and dirty jokes are not for the easily offended – take the more family-friendly MRC tour instead!