Visit to Sponge Docks in Tarpon Springs

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Awaiting the Frozen Four Championship game in the evening, Devyn and I visited Tarpon, (not Tampon) for lunch and some shopping. Devyn was in search of some soap for his mother, I was in search of coffee and lunch. I became fascinated with the Small Fizz Balls, which weren’t all that small.

My Dirty Life and Times
Pete the Pelican

Some History for Ya

Tarpon Springs is a small city on the Gulf Coast of Florida known for its historic Greek heritage and sponge diving industry. The Sponge Docks are located along Dodecanese Boulevard right on the Anclote River. This lively area is the center of Tarpon Springs’ Greek community with authentic restaurants, shops, bakeries, and attractions showcasing the city’s sponge industry history.

Bryan Lawrence

Elder Gen X - Born in the Mid-1900's

My life is a collection of poorly made decisions with music playing in the background.